Meet RIC your REAL ID Companion. RIC will help you identify the documents you need to get a REAL ID. Answer a few brief questions below and print your results when complete.
A: Lawful Identity & Age
The selected document must include your:
Birth name if not changed
Birth name + linking documents (marriage, divorce, adoption or court records) linking your legal name to your original identity documents.
Current legal name
Select a Lawful Identity and Age document you have:
The selected document must include your:
Birth name if not changed
Birth name + linking documents (marriage, divorce, adoption or court records) linking your legal name to your original identity documents.
Current legal name
Select a Lawful Identity and Age document you have:
Select a supporting document you have:
Select a DHS or USCIS document you have:
NOTE: If you do not have one of the documents listed below, please select a different Lawful Identity and Age document type above.
Select a REAL ID Compliant Credential supporting document you have:
NOTE: If you do not have one of the documents listed below, please select a different Lawful Identity and Age document type above.
Has the name listed on your document(s) changed?
Has the name listed on your document(s) changed?
Select all name change linking documents you have. You must be able to show a clear trail of name changes from birth:
B: Identification Number
Identification Number documents must meet the following standards:
Linking documents may be used to tie name on ID number document to legal name
Include, omit or abbreviate the suffix (i.e. “Jr.“) if part of your current legal name
Include, omit or abbreviate your middle name
Include the entire Identification number (i.e. xxx-xx-1234, is not accepted)
Select an Identification Number document you have:
Does your Identification Number document match your current legal name?
Answer "Yes" if you can use linking document(s) that tie the name on your Identification Number document to your current legal name.
C: New Mexico Residency
New Mexico Residency documents must meet the following standards:
Linking documents may be used to tie name on ID number document to legal name
Include, omit or abbreviate the suffix (i.e. “Jr.”) if part of your current legal name
Include, omit or abbreviate your middle name
Physical/Residential address must be listed. Note: (HC and P.O. box addresses will NOT be accepted)
Paperless billing statements are acceptable
Cell phone billing statements are NOT accepted
Select two (2) NM Residency documents you have:
Dated within 60 Days:
Dated within 6 Months:
Current Date (not expired):
Documents for Applicants Under Age 18:
Do your New Mexico Residency document(s) match your current legal name?
Answer "Yes" if you can use linking document(s) that tie the name on your New Mexico Residency document to your current legal name.
Required documents must be original or certified copies. Note: Photocopies, notarized photocopies and non-certified copies will NOT be accepted.
A certified copy is a copy of a primary document that is endorsed by the entity that issued the original document.
A REAL ID will only be issued AFTER MVD has electronically verified my Legal Status and Identification Number documents.